Jeg har EmployeeName, HolidayStart og HolidayEnd i et regneark. Hvordan kan jeg farge ferien til hver ansatt i de påfølgende månedsarkene?
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Sub NewVacation () Dim rngFind As Range Dim intRow As Integer, intMonth As Integer, intCounter As Integer intRow = 3 Do until IsEmpty (Cells (intRow, 1)) For intMonth = Month (Cells (intRow, 2)) To Month (Cells (intRow, 3)) Sett rngFind = Regneark (Format (DateSerial (1, intMonth, 1), "mmmm")). _ Kolonner (1). Finn _ (Cells (intRow, 1), LookIn: = xlValues, lookat: = xlWhole) If intMonth = Month (Cells (intRow, 2)) And intMonth = _ Month (Cells (intRow, 3) ) Then For intCounter = Day (Cells (intRow, 2)) To Day (Cells (intRow, 3)) rngFind.Offset (0, intCounter) .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Next intCounter ElseIf intMonth = Month (Cells (intRow, 2 )) Deretter For intCounter = Day (Cells (intRow, 2)) To Day (DateSerial _ (1, Month (Cells (intRow, 2)) + 1, 0)) rngFind.Offset (0, intCounter) .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Neste intCounter Else For intCounter = 1 To Day (Cells (intRow, 3)) rngFind.Offset (0, intCounter) .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Next intCounter End If Next intMonth intRow = intRow + 1 Loop End Sub